Naši siedmaci počas hodín angličtiny aktívne pracujú aj na rôznych aktivitách v projekte Let´s Go Green.
Vytvorili sme krížovku na tému ekológie, pracujeme na dizajne novej hry a Tomáš H. vytvoril takúto úžasnú akrostickú báseň...
Všetci by sme sa mali na jej myšlienkou zamyslieť.
Leaves twist and turn as they fall to the ground
Ecology may be the most useful thing which we have found
The trees no longer stand strong, as in the past they marked our hills
So now, most of them get made into money, to pay our bills
Get this straight, we pollute our Earth by over-using cars
Only we sit there, as we want to forget the planet that we have destroyed and try to travel to Mars
Great! We‘re all imbeciles! We have killed off our Earth!
Rightfully, after the years pass, we won’t be able to call this our turf
Evergreen forests and jungles keep on turning into dust
Even the intelligent humans, who COULD help and save the world, don’t do it, but they are aware of the fact, that they must
No one wants to live here, and we have to change that fact, because a dead planet, is a planet nobody wants to have anything with...